11-10-2023 “Pastor Dr. Ryan DuPee” (Click for Video)
My Life Verse †: Psalm 19:14. “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer..”
Married 28 years to Christy. Have three adult children: Connor, Gracie, and Tanner.
Oct 2022 – Present: Head of School, First Baptist Academy Naples, FL
Assistant Principal- Calvary Christian High School Clearwater, FL- 7 years
Vice President of Student Life Clearwater Christian College- 6 years
Senior Pastor, Arlington Baptist Church- 4 years
Bible Philosophy
I echo the work of God in that the Word is Christ-living and absolute truth.
Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement
Hobbies Golf, critical thinking, family, and all things ministry at First Naples Church
Master of Divinity- Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Education, Organizational Leadership- Southeastern University
Bachelor of Science Youth Ministry- Bob Jones University
Likes best about GAP.
Glad to be part of this movement and thankful for the invitation.
Birthplace and Hometown
Born in and grew up in Alexandria, VA
When I became a believer
Born Again on 11/10/1971.
Random Facts
Loves to laugh, sarcasm, and occasional prank calling.
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