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Schamp, Mike – Spotlight On Our Teachers

My Favorite Scripture Verse †: John 3:16 “21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God……”

Mike Schamp has been a Christian 55 years. Married for 56 years tohis wonderful wife, Diane. Have a son, Jim & two Grandchildren

Career Info 

Had been an Orthodontist for 35 years in Cincinnati Ohio.

Bible Philosophy

His passion is sharing the love of Christ with those who don’t know him. His mission: Watchman, share Bible prophecy, and fight for spiritual warfare.

Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement

Retarded for18 years, he’s a snowbird, he comes down to Florida in January and he leaves sometime in May.

Ohio Buckeyes fan, golfer, Mike & Diane attend The Naples Gathering Church. Mike attends various groups and bible studies


University Cincinnati Degree Dentistry

Ohio State Dental University

Degree in Biochemistry.

University California, U.S. Navy

Likes best about GAP.


Birthplace and Hometown

San Antonio, Texas & Cincinnati, Ohio

When I became a believer

Born Again on 09/25/1979 when my friends told me that Jesus died for me..

Random Facts

Ordained Chaplin 2019

Picture of update

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